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Yoga and meditation

(Showing 49 - 72 products of 275 products)
Gita: A Synthetic Yoga
Grahasth Jeevan Me Adhyatam (Hindi)
Handbook of Yoga
Hatha Yoga (The Philosophy of Physical Well-Being)
Hatha Yoga: for body, mind and spirit
Hathayogapradipika of Svatmarama (With Exhaustive Introduction, Transliteration, Word by Word meaning, translation Special Notes, etc.) (Sanskrit & English)
Hathyog Pradipika upyukta Chitro se Susajit (Sanskrit and Hindi)
Hathyoga: Swaroop evam Sadhna (Hindi)
Healing the Future: The Journey Within (Revised Edition)
Health Hygiene and Yoga
How to Fight
How to use Yoga
Hypertension: Management through Yoga (Rs 95 + Rs 30 for Service Charges)
IMAGINE IF: Stories of Ordinary People with Extraordinary Grit
Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy Paperback
Innovation: Why, What and How
Integral Yoga and the Vedopanisadic Knowledge Tradition
Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action, Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda
Kundalini Jagran aur Naad Tatva (Hindi)
Kundalini Jagranaur Naad-Tattva (Hindi)
Kundalini Yoga for All: Unlock the Power of Your Body and Brain
KundaliniL Stilled or Stirred? (Second Edition, first published in 2013) Hardbound
Kundlini Sadhna Prasang (Kundlini Sadhna me Vyaktitav ki Smasth Sambhavnao ka Sarvageen Vikas Sambhav Hai)