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in the Highlands of Sports Kashmir
Henry Zouch Darrah
Yusuf and Zulaikha: A Poem by Jami (reprint Edition, first published in 1882 by Trubner & Co, London)
Translated from the Persian into English by Ralph T H Griffith
Youth in Conflict: Challenges and Prospects: A Study of Kashmir
Bilal Bhat and Aijaz Ashraf
Yade Watruk Doukh (Kashmiri) Rs 175 + Rs 50 for Service Charges
Champa Sharma Translated from Dogri by Mohan Krishen Koul
Writers and Poets of Jammu & Kashmir
Edited by Hilal Ahmad and A Prakash
Words About to Fall
Dr Sanjay Parva
Women and Development in India: Reflections from Ladakh and Beyond
Edited by Kavita Suri
Witness to Blunder: Kargil Story Unfolds
Colonel (R) Ashfaq Hussain
Why Article 370 Had To Go
Sheikh Khalid Jehangir
What Happened to Governance in Kashmir?
Aijaz Ashraf Wani
Waves in Kashmir
M L Kak
Water Polity and Kashmir
Rao Farman Ali
WITNESS Kashmir 1986-2016 / Nine Photographers (Second Edition)
Sanjay Kak
WHITE AS THE SHROUD: India, Pakistan and War on the Frontiers of Kashmir
Myra MacDonald
Vistasta Uniting Cultures Proceedings of the Seminar on Kashmir Festival in Chennai, Pune and Srinagar
Edited by K Sreenivasarao
Visit To Hindustan, Kashmir and Ladakh (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1879 by Allen & Co, London)
Mrs J C Murray Aynsley
Violence, Suffering and Displacement: A Critical Evaluation of Contemporary Literature on Kashmir
Tasmiya Bashir
Vaisnava Art and Iconography of Kashmir
Bansi Lal Malla
VALOUR & BETRAYAL: Last Man Last Round Battles of Brig Rajinder Singh, MVC Saviour of Kashmir
Maj Gen Goverdhan Singh Jamwal AVSM and Col Ajay K Raina SM
VALLEY OF RED SNOW: Kashmir Beyond 370
Jitendra Dixit
VAKH AND VACANA: The Pearls of Wisdom
Edited by Vasundhara Filliozat and Sushma Jatoo
Unseen Beauty of Kargil: As seen through Kargil International Marathon
Dr Sanjay Parva
Unravelling the Kashmir Knot
Aman M. Hingorani
Unmasking Kashmir: A Bureaucrat Reveals
Sonali Kumar, IAS Edited by Prasenjeet Kumar