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Islam and Religious Studies

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 58 products)
Cultural, Religious and Economic Life of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh
Rumi Poet and Mystic 1207 - 1273 (Reprinted Edition, First Published in 1950)
Lal Ded (A Kashmiri Saint Poet of Fourteenth Century) (Rs 125 + Rs 40 for Service Charges)
Buddhism in Kashmir
Looking Within: Life Lessons from Lal Ded
The Infidel Next Door
Kashmir Shavaism: A Brief Introduction to the History, Literature and Shaiva Philosophy of Kashmir
Letters of Mir Saiyid \'Ali Hamadani (MAKTUBAT-I-MIR SAIYID \'ALI HAMADANI0 An Annotated Edition with English Translation and Historical Analysis
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1930)
Precognitive Dreams in Kashmir Saivism
The Persian Mystic Attar (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1931)
Allama Iqbal's New Garden of Mystery: Gulshan-i Raz-i Jadid & Bandgi Namah (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1964)
Kashmir ki Acharya Prampara aur Shaivdarshan (Hindi)
Allama Iqbal's Asrar I - Khudi: Secrets of the Self (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1920 by R & R Clark Ltd, Edinburgh)
The Bustan of Saadi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1911)
The Secret of Secrets
Rumi Soul Healer: A Transcendental Story of Ecstatic Passion and Mystical Love
Heart Story: A Metamorphic Odyssey into the Heart of Human Consciousness
Pasyanti Trika Saivism of Kashmir Themes and Practices
Sufism The Mysticism of Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1914 in London)
Rajtarangni ot the Jonaraja
Succession of Muslim Rishism in Kashmir
Tantrapuspanjali: Tantric Traditions and Philosophy of Kashmir (Studies in Memory of Pandit H.N. Chakravarty)
The Gulistan of Sa'di: Sheikh Muslih-uddin Sa\'di Shirazi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1885)