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ANTHOLOGY: A Compendium of Selected Writings of Lt Gen S R R Aiyengar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

ANTHOLOGY: A Compendium of Selected Writings of Lt Gen S R R Aiyengar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)

Author:Lt Gen S R R Aiyengar
ISBN 13:9788194701699
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

This Anthology has been compiled into six parts as follows: Part-I-Perspectives on National Security Withe the adven of globalization, and under the label of interdependence, academics and practitioners began to explore alternative ways of looking at security, which challenged the somewhat militarized balance of power perception. Part-II-Wafrefe in the information age The information age provides an opportunity for widespread access to information related services and capabilities only dreamed about in previous eras. Part-III-Ethics in Practice A reflection, especially on matters of ethics probes our attitudes on how ethics or unethical we are. A Silent, studied thoughtfulness or introspection will ensure promoting and increasing ethical conduct. Part-IV- Ethics and values in the Indian Armed Forces : An Analytical Study Increasingly, one hears the lament that the ethical standards in the armed Forces have steadily declined and that moral values are being eroded.