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(Showing 1 - 24 products of 1613 products)
Theg pa chen po man ngag gi bstan bcos Yid bzhin rin po chei mdzod kyi grel chung padma dkar poi khri shing dang Rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gsoi mchan grel padma dkar poi phreng ba bzhugs so = Yid bzhin mdzod kyi 'grel chung dang Sems nyid ngal gso'
Through Unknown Tibet (Reprint Edition, first published in 1898)
Religious Conversion in Ancient India
Lumbini: Birthplace of Lord Buddha in Nepal
The Gods and the Heretics: Crisis and Ruin of Indian Buddhism
Horizons of Tourism Industry in Buddhist Circuit
Jatakas and Similar Fables: Jatakas and Resembling Fables From Other Famous Ancient Literatures
A Guide to Buddhist Holy Places of India and Nepal: Homeland of the Buddha
Vadanyaya of Dharmakirti - The Logic of Debate
Kalacakra Tantra (Kalachakra Tantra)
Glimpses of Buddhism
Some Thoughts on Early Buddhism (With Special Reference To Its Relation To The Upanishads): A Rare Book
Nation, Constitutionalism and Buddhism in Sri Lanka (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series)(Reprinted, first published in 2014)
Apparitions of the Self (The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary)
Gautama Buddha
Teaching Buddhism: New Insights on Understanding and Presenting the Traditions (Hardbound)
Mahamanav Budh (Hindi) (2nd Edition first published in 1956) ( Rs 70 + Rs 20 Service Charges)
Essays in Zen Buddhism Second Series
Tibetan yoga and mysticism: a textual study of the Yogas of Naropa and Mahamudra meditation in the medieval tradition of Dags po
Life in Sanchi Sculpture
Sahajayana (A Study of Tantric Buddhism) - (An Old and Rare Book)
Discourse in Early Buddhist Art: Visual Narratives of India
Apparitions of the Self (The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary)