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Military Studies

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 2183 products)
CEASEFIRE CITY: Militarism, Capitalism and Urbanism in Dimapur
Principles of Radar Electronic Warfare
Dictionary of Terms in Military and Defence Studies
Frontiers into Borders: Defining South Asia States 1757-1857
Gandhi on War and Peace
China’s India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World
Indian Defence Yearbook 2003
India's Land Forces: Structural Imperatives
Militancy And Islam
Special Forces : Doctrine, Structures and Employment Across the Spectrum of Conflict in the Indian Context
Rise of China: Indian Perspectives
India's Strategic Guardian of the Sky: IRNSS (PB)
Who is Afraid of the Chinese Dragon? I Am
Security Models of India and Pakistan
Transformation of Air Defence in Asia
Jammu And Kashmir War (1947-48) : Political And Military Perspective
Fourth Indian Division : Reflections : Memoirs of a Great Company
The Peshwa: War of the Deceivers
The Thar Articles
India's Sea Diplomacy and South China Sea
Whither Pakistan? Growing Instability and Implications for India
Param Vir Vikram Batra: The Sher Shah of Kargil
Churchill, Roosevelt and India : Propaganda During World War II