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Islam and Religious Studies

(Showing 25 - 48 products of 58 products)
The Gulistan of Sa'di: Sheikh Muslih-uddin Sa\'di Shirazi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1885)
Islamic Sufism
Advent of Islam in Kashmir
Historical Sikh Shrines of Jammu & Kashmir
Discourses of Rumi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
Allama Iqbal's New Garden of Mystery: Gulshan-i Raz-i Jadid & Bandgi Namah (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1964)
Allama Iqbal's Javid Nama: The Pilgrimage of Eternity (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
Rysh Wa'er: The Valley of Saints (Sheikh kNoor-ud-din Ryshi (RA) )
Poems from Iqbal: Renderings in English Verse with Comparative Urdu Text
Saivism in Kashmir (Second Edition, First Published in 2000)
The Sultan of the Saints: Mystical Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1947)
Sufism The Mysticism of Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1914 in London)
Islam in Kashmir: A Study of Prominent Sufis and Rishis
Ibn 'Arabi The Meccan Revelations  (Indian Edition, First Published in 1988, Paris)
Letters of Mir Saiyid \'Ali Hamadani (MAKTUBAT-I-MIR SAIYID \'ALI HAMADANI0 An Annotated Edition with English Translation and Historical Analysis
Kashmir ki Acharya Prampara aur Shaivdarshan (Hindi)
Buddhist Heritage Kashmir
Rajtarangni ot the Jonaraja
Sufi Saints of Kashmir: Sufi Orders in Kashmir
The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-\'Arabi\'s Metaphysics of Imagination (Third reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2006)
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (Third Reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2005)
Rumi Soul Healer: A Transcendental Story of Ecstatic Passion and Mystical Love
Succession of Muslim Rishism in Kashmir
Heart Story: A Metamorphic Odyssey into the Heart of Human Consciousness