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General and Reference Studies

(Showing 25 - 48 products of 644 products)
Tum Nirash Ho ? (Hindi) Paperback
Structured Query language for all RDBMS and PL/SQL
MIRACLE : An Exotic Wonder
Sampoorn Sagar (Hindi)
Pedagogy of Science Teaching
India 2016 Paperback
A Random Walk in Santiniketan Ashram Paperback
Higher Than Everest: Memoirs of a Mountaineer
A Maharaja's Turf: Platinum Jubilee of the Triumph of Maharaja Sir Vijaysinhji of Rajpipla in the Epsom Derry 1934
March of the Indian Economy: From CIA to LPG to PPP to SIR, UPSC Prelims GS Paper1 and Mains GS III, (CSE)
A New Approach to General Science: Exclusively Recommended for UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper 1 and Mains General Studies Paper III (CSE)
Master your mind to Crack IAS Exam: A Spiritual Material Book for UPSC Aspirants
India and World Geography(Highly Recommended for UPSC Civil Services Examination
A Bit of Delhi University(Remembering a Bygone Era)
A General Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences, Literature, Biography, History, Geography &c.(A New and Revised Edition of the Popular Encyclopedia with an Extensive Series of Plates in Colour & in Black and White)14 Vols
The Great Indian Peninsula Railway: A Journey Though Time (1853-1871)
Professional Writing
Bharatiya Sahitya Gyan Kosh (Hindi) (6 Volumes)
Samajshastra Vishwakosh (5 Vols) Hindi
Impact of Anxiety, Frustration and Achievement Motivation in Sports Performance
Essential Statistics for Economics and Business Studies: A Textbook Useful for B.Com (Pass & Major Honours)B.A. (Econ.Pass & Major Honours)BBA BCA, M.Com, M>A. (Econ.)MBA, PGDM, ICWA, CA
My Travel Journal (Life Canvas Stationary) Hardcover
in the Highlands of Sports Kashmir
Sports in the Highlands of Kashmir