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Books on Pakistan

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 69 products)
Tryst with Perfidy: The Deep State of Pakistan
India, Europe and Pakistan
Pakistan's Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Giving the Devil more than his due?
Do We Not Bleed?: Reflections of a 21st-Century Pakistani
People's Movements in Pakistan
The ISIS Caliphate: From Syria to the Doorsteps of India
Bharat Pak Sambandh: Aatank Se Surgical Strike Tak
Photo Peshawar
Reimagining Pakistan: Transforming a Dysfunctional Nuclear State
Pakistan Living with a Nuclear Monkey
India and Pakistan: Neighbours at Odds
The Infidels of Mecca
Pakistan: At the Helm
Being Pakistani: Society, Culture and the Arts
Imagining Lahore: The City That Is, the City That Was
The Strategy Trap: India and Pakistan under the Nuclear Shadow
Terrorist Structure in POK
Nuclear World: Defence and Politics of India, China, Pakistan and North Korea
Asian Security: China, Pakistan and North Korea
Pakistan Islamisation Army and Foreign Policy
Pakistan Adrift: Navigating Troubled Waters
Pakistan: Democracy, Development and Security Issues
Pakistan's War on Terror: "Good" Versus "Bad" Taliban
India - Pakistan Peace Process and J&K