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The Root Cause Hardbound

The Root Cause Hardbound

Author:Alok Jain
ISBN 13:9789352661084
Subject:Alternative Medicines and Health Care/Health Care

About the Book

ANGEL and DEVIL both reside inside us. AYURVEDA – one of the Vedic Sciences of India had explained this logic very beautifully using concepts of SATTVIC – the minds possessing positive virtues and TAMASIC – the minds with negative virtues arising out of passion and ignorance due to the force of inertia. It explained how different foods invoke the sattvic or tamasic quality in our minds and that how a tamasic mind not only leads to physical and mental diseases but it also manifests itself into a chaotic state of mind leading to crimes, with scales ranging from as small as uncontrolled/aggressive behavior to as big as ruthless killings in the name of cast/ creed/ religion/ countries. ASTROLOGY is another occult science of Vedic wisdom that is inseparable from Ayurveda which explains that how each one of us has been gifted a different body and mind by the nature and that how Ayurvedic principles can be applied on different bodies and minds to invoke the Sattvic mind for leading a blissful life. This book is first of its kind to explain the concepts of Ayurveda, Astrology and other allied sciences of Vedas in the modern scientific language that a layman understands. The occult sciences will no more be a secret. At a stage, when this civilization has reached the tipping point, it is up to us whether we just go with the flow and inertia to move into a world full of chaos and misery or learn from our mistakes and gift a beautiful world to our future generations by invoking the Angel within us. Remember that eating right is the foremost Karma if we wish to reclaim the GOLDEN AGE because “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” Also remember that since each one of us has been gifted a different machine, its needs are also different from others. And that is why ‘ONE’S NECTAR COULD BE ANOTHER’S POISON’