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Society and Cultural Richness of Himachal Pradesh

Society and Cultural Richness of Himachal Pradesh

Author:V Verma
ISBN 13:9789387587618
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Society,Folklore and Social customs

About the Book

Himachal Pradesh. The very name evokes visions of snow and sunshine and of gods and goddesses, forests and the purest of air. The stunning grandeur of its mountains and the many splendoured panorama indeed makes the region a paradise on earth. Admittedly nature has been abundantly generous. To stay in a few words, Himachal is a small world in itself, diverse, effervescent, a crucible, a reactor spinning off energy. Verily it is said that it is not attractive landscape which makes a country beautiful but its people. No wonder it is their beauteous charm which over- shadows the nature. About the nature and the innate nobility of the local people, rites have employed myriad terms to give it an apt name: simple, honest, gentle, warm hearted, god-fearing, peace loving, hospitable all very inadequate. Living in tranquility in the harshness of long winters and under hostile conditions probably gives the people a strong blend of humility, sensitivity and hardiness to enjoy quality life against heavy odds. Much has changed in the past century. A degree of westernization has influenced the people’s lives, on the whole for the better, though they have preserved tenaciously their traditions, customs, culture and their unflinchingly faith and belief in their native gods and devi-devtas.