Secrets of the Inner Blast: Oneness with God through a Crisis or through Kundalini Magic
Author: | Prof Dr Ravindra Kumar |
ISBN 13: | 9789393214423 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2022 |
Subject: | Philosophy and Religion/Yoga and meditation |
About the Book
Either by accident; or through a Self-Realized Guru/Sad-guru; or by one's special own efforts; the practitioner may undergo/ create a moral, mathematical, scientific or religious "crisis" leading to an "inner blast" that makes the person "dwij" of Vedas or "born again" of Jesus Christ, which qualifies a person to enter the Kingdom of God within. For example, British actress Sarah Miles experienced oneness with God after a "moral inner blast"; I passed through a "religious crisis", Sir Fred Hoyle passed through a "scientific crisis" and Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans crossed a "religious crisis". The present book describes various accidental happenings and prepared religious crisis that have lead individuals to the "inner blast." This blast means opening of the "Knot" called "Chijjad Granthi" at the level of the heart. This is the helicopter's quick method to God as compared to the bullock cart's slow method of organized religions that have really become obsolete. Then there are clear tests to know if one has achieved "cosmic consciousness" as laid down by the wise men, see for example "cosmic consciousness" as laid down by the wise men, see for example "cosmic consciousness" by Richard Maurice Bucke, who passed through a "literary crisis" before realising the Self. A step-wise formula to witness "atman" and to achieve oneness with God is given at the end of chapter 2. About the Author: About the Author:
Prof. Dr. Ravindra Kumar, a Ph.D. from I.I.T., Delhi in 1968 continued post-doctoral research at universities at Lancaster and London, U.K., and taught Mathematics in about ten countries. Through (sustained) astanga yoga his Kundalini awakened in 1987 in Zimbabwe. After several books in Maths he wrote twenty books on Kundalini and life after death. He published about thirty research papers in Maths and then about fifteen in spirituality and Paranormal Research, USA, and founder President of the Academy of Kundalini Yoga and Quantum Soul. He has been professor and head of Yoga Philosophy and Meditation Dept. at Hindu University of America at Florida/ Orlando, USA. He has successfully initiated a large number of selected practitioners around the world who got their Kundalini awakened and realised the Self/ God.