Revolutionary Motifs in the Miracle Narratives of Luke's Gospel: A Postcolonial Reading
Kennedy Poumai
  • ISBN 13 : 9789351486008
  • year : 2022
  • language : English
  • binding : Hardbound
This book used postcolonial approach in studying Lukan miracle stories; the miracles were portrayed as mode of Jesus’ intervention in situations of vulnerability and exploitation of various kinds, besides works of emancipation and breaking of gender and race discrimination. The book also provides fresh insights towards the reading and understanding of the miracles of Jesus as “revolutionary” in nature when compared with other miracle workers of the time. As instruments of transformative power, miracles of Jesus in Luke confronted imperial and oppressive structures and promoted justice and wholistic healing. The book illuminated that Miracles were means of Jesus’ intervention in the socio-political set up of his time to actualize the principles of the reign of God in the lives of the most susceptible and oppressed persons’ lives. Contents Acknowledgements Foreword Preface Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1 Miracles in the Lukan Context 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Jewish Miracle Stories in the Old Testament 1.3. The Miracle Stories in the Intertestamental Literature 1.4. Miracles Stories in the Mediterranean and Greco-Roman Context 1.5. Miracles in Pauline Epistles 1.6. Miracle Stories in Non-Lukan Gospels 1.7. Miracles in Lukan Writings 1.8. Some Features of the Miracle Stories in the Context of Luke Summary Chapter 2 Social Context of the Lukan Community 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Social Stratification of the Greco-Roman World 2.3. Community Life Under Political Power 2.4. Community Life Under Economic Order 2.5. Community Life Under Religious Situation 2.6. Geographical Location of the Lukan Community Summary Chapter 3 Postcolonial Hermeneutics and Luke-Acts 3.1. Introduction 3.2. A Review of Key Studies and their Method 3.3. The Postcolonialism 3.4. Postcolonial Reading of Luke 3.5. Reading Miracle Narratives of Luke from a Postcolonial Perspective Summary Chapter 4 Postcolonial Reading of Miracle Narratives Exclusive to Luke 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Miracles of Combat Against Unmerited 4.3. Miracles Challenging Gender Exploitation and Racism 4.4. Miracle of Restoring Identity 4.5. Miracle of Non-violent Resistance Summary Chapter 5 Postcolonial Reading of Select Healing Miracles in Luke Paralleted in Other Synoptic Gospels 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Miracles of Emancipation from Dehumanizing Forces 5.3. Miracles of Self-determination and Solidarity with the Margins 5.4. Miracles of Hybridity and Breaking of Gender 5.5. Miracles of Restitution, the Right of the Social Outcaste 5.6. Miracles of Confrontation the Socio-Economic Disparity 5.7. The Cure of a Blind Man (18:35-43) Summary Chapter 6 Revolutionary Motifs of the Miracle Stories in the Gospel of Luke 6.1. Revolutionary Motif of the Lukan Miracle Stories 6.2. Some Challenges of Churches in India 6.3. Relevance of Lukan Miracle Stories for Churches' Action Today Conclusion Bibliography Rev. Dr. Kennedy Poumai is currently the Vice-Principal of Manipur Theological College (MTC), Kangpokpi, Manipur. He is teaching for the last 19 years at MTC as an Associate Professor. He served as Principal at Phuba Baptist English School (2000-2003) and President of Poumai Theological Association (2003-2005). He holds Doctorate in Biblical Studies (New Testament) from Senate of Serampore College (University). Some of his articles are appeared in international and national journals.