Raja Yoga: Yoga of Meditation. A Means for Freedom from Suffering, Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda
Author: | O. R. Krishnaswami |
ISBN 13: | 9789381406533 |
Year: | 2016 |
Subject: | Philosophy and Religion/Yoga and meditation |
About the Book
This Text on Raja Yoga was assembled from the books and transcribed lectures of our Gurudev Sri Swami Satchidananda, liberally drawing from his commentary on Sutras of Patanjali, Living Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Guru and Disciple and also from the teachings of the grand Master Swami Sivananda Maharaj, Sri Swami Vivekananda and various other saints. This Text is a comprehensive one, covering all aspects of Raja Yoga with detailed guidelines for practicing the eight-stage Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is Yoga of Meditation. It encompasses the teachings of all the different paths. It concerns itself with three realms-the physical, the mental and the spiritual. By practicing Raja Yoga regularly, an aspirant learns to control his thoughts, desires and emotions and thus purifies his mind and finally attains Self-realization. The self-realized Yogi becomes free from sorrows and sufferings and enjoys eternal peace and bliss. This is the ultimate goal of life.