"Plays of John Galsworthy": Management-Employee Relationship
Satya Pal Singh Bhadauriya
  • ISBN 13 : 9789383784493
  • year : 2022
  • language : English
  • binding : Hardbound
This book reveals Galsworthy as a great social reformer and humanitarian. He was pained to see the suffering of the poor and the exploited. He got the Noble Prize for Literature in1932. This book presents the social set up of his Times and also it's evils and disparities. The book is an in-depth study of Masters - Servants relationships as depicted in various plays of Galsworthy. The author has tried his best to present the real picture not only of the external lives of English people but also the thoughts and outlook of the people of Galsworthy's Times. This is a Psycho-Socio-Economic study based on the Management-Employee Relationship.