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Music of Love and Sex (Reprint)

Music of Love and Sex (Reprint)

Author:Lala Kannoomal
ISBN 13:9789394797376
Subject:Performing Arts/Music

About the Book

Archaeological excavations, numismatic discoveries, paleographical, epigraphical and philological researches, paleontological and historical studies, antiquarian explorations, linguistic surveys, study of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts and many other similar pursuits have borne ample testimony to the past greatness and glory of India and have indisputably shown that her marvelous civilization extends back into the periods of dim and hoary antiquity. A fresh tangible proof has been added to the existing record by the very recent excarnations at Mohenjo-Daro in Sind and Harappa in the Punjab, which according to the eminent archaeologists and orientalists, brings India into the ‘orbit of the widely flung chalcolithic culture’. The book on Music is replete with new features. The ancient texts on Hindu Music no doubt give the personified portraitures of Ragas and Raginis but it is the creditable work of the subject these personifications to the crucial test of rhetorical interpretations and then to educe from them the sentiments which pervade them and thus make them legible for particular songs. In other words, the question what ought to be the content of the songs with reference to Ragas and Raginis has been solved for the first time.