Maslow's Self Actualisation and Ambedkar's Dalits: Re-imagining Pastoral Care and Counselling
A Israel David
  • ISBN 13 : 9789351483298
  • year : 2019
  • language : English
  • binding : Hardbound
The objective of the book is not just to question Maslow's hierarchy of needs; or just to verify a hypothesis that the Dalits exhibit meta values and experience self-actualization in spite of unmet basic needs; or to prove that Ambedkar self-actualized in a discriminating world of his time; or to create awareness that the pastoral care and counselling has to recognize the presence of aliveness of the values among the Dalits; but to correct a historical misconception that Dalits are `broken people' and to affirm that the Dalits are self-motivated and potentially powerful to bring changes with their positive nature because they exhibit the innate and nurtured divine values. Contents Foreword-I Foreword-II Acknowledgements Preface Abbreviations List of Tables 1. Introduction 2. Maslowian Self-Actualization Theory 3. The Deficiency Needs and Meta Values of Untouchables in the Writings and Speeches of Ambedkar 4. Data Analysis and Presentation 5. Major Findings and Interpretations 6. Implications for Pastoral Care and Counselling Conclusion Bibliography