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Malavikagnimitra of Kalidasa (10th Edition)

Malavikagnimitra of Kalidasa (10th Edition)

Author:C. R. Devadhar
ISBN 13:9788120802216
Language:Sanskrit and English
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Indology

About the Book

The plot of the Malvikagnimitra is a masterpiece of clever construction, where the interest is chiefly concentrated on the central story of the king's love for the maid, and every incident is subordinated to the main theme. The element of conflict, which is of the very essence of drama is mainly external; we see how the queen almost feebly and pathetically opposes the king's attempts to secure the sight of Malavika; but finding that the forces ranged against her were too strong for her, she decides to go along the current and make the better of its course rather than endeavour to stem the tide at the risk of a capsize. This edition is, to our knowledge, the first which is infinitely more useful and handy than either having the translation on the same page just below the text, or at the end of the text. Further it has been our endeavour to make the work as critical and useful for the students as possible, without either encumbering it with tiresome discussions of technical and scholastic points, or skipping over difficult and necessary details about rhetorical or grammatical points. Special care has been taken to give a correct orthography of the Prakrit words, after a careful and critical comparison of the various editions of the play before us. It will be readily admitted that in spite of the many critical edition of the plays of Kalidasa, editions of the plays on the lines of the up-to-date editions of the classics in the West have not so far been published. This edition is, to our knowledge, the first which is infinitely more useful and handy than either having the translation on the same page just below the text, or at the end of the text. Further it has been our endeavour to make the work as critical and useful for the students as possible, without either encumbering it with tiresome discussions of technical and scholastic points, or skipping over difficult and necessary details about Variae Lectiones or rhetorical or grammatical points. Special care has been taken to give a correct orthography of the Prakrit words, after a careful and critical comparison of the various editions of the play before us.