Lifting up the Serpent in the Gospel of John: The Cross as Restorative Justice
Allison R deForest
  • ISBN 13 : 9789351484820
  • year : 2020
  • language : English
  • binding : Hardbound
One can see why a story like that of Moses, the people, and the serpents in the wilderness can lead to the image of a harsh demanding God, but John’s Gospel pairs this image directly with “for God so loved the world.” The quest detailed in this book is to find a way to read scripture that is authentic to how and why it was produced, make sense of the ironies found there, and offer the possibility of a renewed life and relationship between the God of love revealed in Christ Jesus and God’s people. It is hoped that the image of God that arises from this work is one of unending love, a God who works faithfully for the reconciliation of all. It is hoped that this little book will promote conversation and encourage others to wrestle with such questions as well. Contents Abstract 1. Introduction 2. The 'lifting up' of the Incarnate One in John's Gospel 3. Serpents in the Old Testament 4. The Serpent that Moses Lifted up in the Biblical Tradition 5. Atonement and Justice in the Gospel of John and Public Theology Bibliography Appendix I Appendix II The Rev. Dr. Allison R. deForest is ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and called to serve at United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg and Philadelphia, where she administers the Graduate School, shepherds distributed learning and co-op students, strives to keep the school accredited and improving through assessment, and teaches in the Bible area. She lives in Kutztown, PA with her spouse, son and two orange tabby cats, Red and Tanner.