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International Perspectives on PTSD & PTG: Learning to Thrive from the Military

International Perspectives on PTSD & PTG: Learning to Thrive from the Military

Author:Edited by Lt Col Dr Samir Rawat, Professor Ole Boe and Dr Andrzej Piotrowski
ISBN 13:9788131612828
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

There are a number of reactions to traumatic experiences, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the possible outcomes from atrocities experienced from war or war-related situations. Military response to PTSD is a topic that is of importance as it affects people all over the world. PTSD has been both known and investigated for some time now. On the other hand, the less known phenomena post-traumatic growth (PTG) based upon the premise that people who endure psychological struggle following adversity can often see positive growth afterward, has more recently been subject to more attention around the world. This book is written by both military and civilian specialists working in the field of military psychology and/or military leadership and police psychology; it consists of 29 chapters written by 37 authors from 11 countries. This book is a contribution to understanding the fields of military psychology and leadership better. It will facilitate learning about theories, research, and best practices when it comes to dealing with PTSD and PTG in the military. The intention of this book is to provoke some thoughts on how military psychology and leadership can be applied in not just military contexts but also to explore diversity of applications in different realms. This book will be a primer in opening the plethora of research in the immediate future to cater for the fragilities in the human mind as a consequence of traumatic experiences. Hopefully, this book will provide readers with a better understanding of the psychological challenges related to PTSD and PTG that we see arise from war and other traumatic experiences as well as insights in moving towards application of psychological principles in a new era of odds thrust upon us. CONTENTS India, Norway and Poland 1 An Introduction to International Perspectives on PTSD and PTG: Learning to Thrive from the Military Ole Boe, Andrzej Piotrowski and Samir Rawat 2 Resilience as a Path to Post-Traumatic Growth Ole Boe, Andrzej Piotrowski and Samir Rawat 3 Self-regulation for Skill Acquisition and Enhanced Performance Consequent to Trauma Samir Rawat, Abhijit Deshpande, Ole Boe and Andrzej Piotrowski 4 Soldiers’ PTSD and PTG: A Systematic Review 88 Ewa Sygit-Kowalkowska, Ole Boe, Samir Rawat and Andrzej Piotrowski Belgium 5 Military Psychology for First Responders After Mass-Murders: The Seven-Step Plan Salvatore Lo Bue, Frédéric Goethals and Jeroen Van den Bossch India 6 Transformative Experience of Young ‘Agniveer’ Warriors (YAWs) in Combat: Inoculation Against Potential PTSD in Future Operations Samir Rawat 7 Military ‘Treducation’ as Lessons Learnt during Crisis: Learning, Unlearning and Relearning Samir Rawat, Abhijit P. Deshpande and Priya Joshi 8 Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Social Capital in Moving from PTSD to PTG Gayatri Ahuja 9 Learning to Thrive from Military Spouses: Social Relatedness and Benefit Finding from ‘Cost of Caring’ Utkarsh Borode 10 Self-organising as a Choice Towards Healthy Adaptation: An Indian Approach for Warriors Devayani Kashyap 11 Reviving Organisational Morale and Productivity: Learning From Military in the Post-Pandemic Reconstruction Priya Joshi 12 Rebounding from Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction Following Vicarious Exposure to War and Pandemic Situations Shradha Sharma 13 Challenges from Military to Civilian Life: Social Identity and Social Connectedness Antony Fernandes 14 Spirituality to the Rescue in Transcending from PTSD to PTG During Pandemic Shradha Sharma and Kavita Mishra Iran 15 Building Resilience and Emotional Intelligence for Psychological Growth During Pandemic Mahanaz Forouzan Netherlands 16 Raising Awareness about Responsibilities of Military Leaders Regarding PTSD and Moral Injury Myckel Cremers Norway 17 Character Strengths that Resonate in a Post-Pandemic World Ole Boe 18 Transgressing from PTSD to PTG: Valuable Lessons for Non-Military Populations Ole Boe and Glenn-Egil Torgersen 19 With Afghanistan Veterans as Backdrop: Exploring, Measuring and Explaining New Factors of Post-Traumatic Growth Roger Lien and Kristian Firing 20 Tough People Cry, Share, and Encounter: Implications for 381 Organisational Learning Trygve J. Steiro, Kristian Firing, Glenn-Egil Torgersen and Herner Saeverot Oman 21 Responsibility with Accountability: Instilling Military Culture in Non-Military Environments Saif Al Hashmi Poland 22 Post-Traumatic Growth: Is Military Psychology Keeping 423 Pace with Clinical Psychology? Andrzej Piotrowski 23 PTSD Experiences in Hybrid Conflict in Ukraine Piotr Pacek 24 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: As a Chance for Development and Post-Traumatic Growth Anna Osuch Romania 25 Stress and Contextual Performance in Military Operations: The Moderating Role of Hardiness and Psychological Capital Vasile Doru Marineanu, Cãtãlin Constantin Cãlin and Loredana-Cristina Cioranu Serbia 26 Post-Traumatic Growth During Pandemic from Young People’s Standpoint Jelena Miniæ, Miljana Paviæeviæ and Miroslav Krstiæ Switzerland 27 On the Effectiveness of a Resilience Training in the Swiss Armed Forces Hubert Annen, Regula Züger and Madlaina Niederhauser USA 28 Exploring Connection Between Gender Roles and Post-Traumatic Growth Amanda Metcalfe, Phillip Morris and Richard Delewski 29 A Pedagogical and Psychological Model for Post-Traumatic Growth Glenn-Egil Torgersen, Ole Boe, Samir Rawat and Andrzej Piotrowski ABOUT THE AUTHOR / EDITOR Lt Col Dr Samir Rawat is a combat veteran and military psychologist from India who imparts training related to high performance leadership, trauma and stress management. He is a decorated soldier with proven leadership skills in Siachen Glacier, which, at 21000 ft is the highest battlefield in the world where he commanded an infantry rifle company as a volunteer officer. He was also conferred a President’s gallantry award for recapturing enemy held positions during Kargil War. In 2021, he was nominated as the first Indian to be an eminent state of art keynote speaker at the 32nd International Congress of Psychology 2021(ICP) in Prague which is the biggest international event in the field of psychology. Professor Ole Boe holds a PhD in Cognitive Psychology, currently works as a full Professor of Leadership and Organisation at Norwegian Police University College (NPUC) and at University of South-Eastern Norway. In addition, he works as Professor II of Organizational Psychology at Bjørknes University College, and as Professor II of Crisis Management and Preparedness at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He has served full time and is currently part time Professor at Norwegian Military Academy (NMA) as well as Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC). He is a graduate of the Norwegian Defense Command and Staff College, and has previously served as an operational officer in a Norwegian military special unit for many years. Dr Andrzej Piotrowski is a psychologist from Poland at University of Gdansk. His major areas of interest include psychosocial functioning of those serving in uniformed professions. He is the author of two monographs, editor and co-editor of six monographs and over fifty articles. He has lectured extensively in over seventy national and international conferences. Dr Piotrowski is a member of Polish Penitentiary Society, European Association for Security and European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology.