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House of Terror: An Insider's True Story

House of Terror: An Insider's True Story

Author:Anwar (Ikhwan code name Umar)
ISBN 13:9789390885725

About the Book

Anwar hails from Anantnag District of South Kashmir. In 1989, he crossed over to Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir to procure an AK-47 rifle to protect his family from terrorists. But, he subsequently fell for Pakistani propaganda and trained in Pakistan Occupied Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan to become a terrorist for the jihad for Kashmir’s azadi. He returned home to Kashmir in 1992 and operated as a terrorist till 1994. After his surrender, he worked as a counter-terrorist leader with the Indian Army and the Jammu & Kashmir Police. The government demobilised and disbanded his counter-terrorist organisation in 2003 without a rehabilitation package. As a result the pro-Pakistani Nexus began targeting them as ‘traitors of the cause of azadi’ and ‘Informers of India’. After the rise of the current phase of hybrid and white collar terrorism in 2008, these pro-India counter-terrorists and their families were socially ostracised. This once again destroyed their lives. This continues to be their situation in 2022. The abrogation of Article 370 on August 5th, 2019 kindled hopes of finally being rehabilitated back into society. But sadly, there appears to be no light at the end of their tunnel of despair. Being Indian still has a cost in Kashmir's heterogenous radicalised society governed mostly by subverted officials.