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Fundamentals of Organic Farming and Gardening: An Instructors Guide

Fundamentals of Organic Farming and Gardening: An Instructors Guide

Author:Alexander McGregor, Lynn Pugh and Jerry Larson
ISBN 13:9789383692996
Subject:Botanical Science/Organic Farming

About the Book

Contents: PREFACE: Why Organic? INTRODUCTION: How to use the curriculum UNIT1 – SOIL Soil is described in terms of physical and biological components. Both of these are important in establishing a foundation of knowledge about soil, in order to manage it in a sustainable manner. I. Introduction II. Physical Properties of Soil III. Soil Biology and Ecosystems IV. Soil Nutrient Cycles V. Unit Summary UNIT 2 – SOIL APPLICATIONS Soil is managed to enhance the soil life. Factors which can be managed are soil air, soil water, soil organic matter, and soil minerals. Proper use of tillage is the most important factor in managing soil. I. Introduction II. Soil Air Management III. Soil Water Management IV. Organic Matter Management V. Soil Mineral Management VI. Tillage and Cultivation VII. Unit Summary UNIT 3 – PLANTS A basic knowledge of plant anatomy and physiology is essential for crop management. Knowing more about plants allows management decisions that enhance their growth and development, meaning better quality and larger harvests. I. Introduction II. Basics of Plant Anatomy III. Basics of Plant Physiology IV. Plant Nutrient Uptake V. Plant/Soil Relationships VI. Unit Summary UNIT 4 – PLANT APPLICATIONS Plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Most organic crops are grown from sexually produced seed, though fruit and nursery crop reproduction often involve asexual methods of propagation. I. Introduction II. Seeds and Seed Starting Techniques III. Propagation IV. Plant Varieties and Selection V. Unit Summary UNIT 5 – CROP MANAGEMENT Preventing crop loss from any factor is the goal of crop management. The basis of a good crop management system is good soil that produces healthy plants. Once that is established, controls for insects, disease and weeds can be used on an as-needed basis as they interfere with production of the crop. I. Introduction II. Pest Control III. Disease Control IV. Weed control V. Companion Planting VI. Unit Summary UNIT 6 – COMPOSTING Composting is a result of managing soil organisms to more rapidly break down residual materials to produce humus. Addition of compost to the planting bed enhances soil life and makes more nutrients available to the plant. I. Introduction II. Biological Processes of Composting III. Materials IV. Composting Management V. Using Compost VI. Unit Summary UNIT 7 – ORGANIC MARKETS Marketing is a very important, but often overlooked aspect of establishing a successful farm. A market needs to be identified before the crop is put in the ground, to increase the likelihood of a profitable season. I. Introduction II. Introduction to marketing III. Marketing strategies IV. Certification VI. Unit summary UNIT 8 – PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS This unit presents a plan for a demonstration organic bed to be prepared by a class and used as an adjunct to the instruction of this curriculum. These activities should be done in conjunction with the other units. I. Introduction II. Garden Site Selection and Design III. Soil Preparation IV. Planting and Maintenance V. Detailed Crop Guides for Recommended crops VI. Unit Summary APPENDIX I. Store Wars video II. Meatrix video III. Georgia Organics Marketing video IV. Georgia Organics public service announcement V. Soils – short power point presentation VI. Pest management – short power point presentation VII. Composting – short power point presentation VIII. Farmer Host/Speakers IX. Feedback