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Egypt Until Democracy

Egypt Until Democracy

Author:Pushpa Adhikari
ISBN 13:9788170623489
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

Egypt’s geopolitical situation and her strategic importance in the Middle East have contributed much to that dominant position. Being the entrepôt and the meeting place of three continents - Asia, Africa and Europe - she is often called the gateway to Asia and the commercial gate of the world, primarily because of Suez Canal. She is at the center of Arab homeland, situated at its very heart and constituting one third of the Arab world. The Arabs are linked by the same destiny with common causes, like their fight against Zionism in which Egypt has played an important role. Independent Egypt developed as the strongest and the most influential Arab nation after WW-II. She became an important figure in bringing Arab unity and integration. She played the dominant role in establishing League of the Arab States in 1945. The League, its headquarter in Cairo, with an Egyptian Secretary General and Egyptian staff, came under Egypt’s direct control and influence. President Sadat’s close links with Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal and oil rich Persian Shiekhdoms provided Egypt an opportunity to play an important role in the 1973 oil crisis and to impose oil embargo on US. This brought an important change in US policy towards Middle East, which caused US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to make several visits in the area. The US government started taking keen interest in the peace negotiation in the Middle East.