Decision Making in Clinical Surgery
Venkit S Iyer
  • ISBN 13 : 9789352707096
  • year : 2019
  • language : English
  • binding : Softcover
Contents: 1. Systemic Topics. 2. Abdominal Pain. 3. Abdominal Conditions. 4. Anorectal Conditions. Topics covered in the book describe a simplistic way to approach surgical problems that will help them in their ordinary work. The simple format and language will make it user friendly. Emphasis is on common conditions that one encounters in daily rounds or the clinic. Complex conditions and topics are not covered in this book. Complex theories, protocols, and graphics are not described. The approach is mostly symptom-based and not pathology-based. What is the next step to be taken in a certain situation? What are the most common possibilities? What is most cost effective, what is most expeditious, and what is the quickest way to save lives? How to make a diagnosis, what test is most useful, what procedure is most appropriate? Key steps and techniques involved in several surgical procedures are also discussed.