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China's Global Strategy: A Potent Threat to Sovereignty of India

China's Global Strategy: A Potent Threat to Sovereignty of India

Author:Brig R A Singh VSM (Retd)
ISBN 13:9788194418580
Subject:Books on China

About the Book

China's relentless endeavour to emerge as a world power and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction have added a new dimension to entire international security scenario. China has adopted a well calculated strategy combining diplomacy, political, economic and military power to achieve its objective. China is seriously concerned at the growing congruence of interest in the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean region between India, U.S. and other Quad nations, particularly post Chinese action in East Ladakh. China's recent swoop in East Ladakh is part of its expansionist policy. China is also keen to keep the border cauldron boiling with insidious objectives of projecting to the world India's image as tender box so to dissuade foreign investors to shelve their plans for shifting to India. To achieve China-Centric economic integration of South-East Asia, China is projecting the benefits of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and maritime silk route to win allies in other neighbouring countries. The book give out comprehensive picture of China's game plan to become a world power including its "Art of Deceit".