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(Showing 1 - 24 products of 189 products)
Guhyasamaj Tantra (Sanskrit Text with Hindi translation)
 Yogini: The Shady Side of Devi
 Yogini: The Shady Side of Devi
Kalikrama and Abhinavagupta: The Epistemological Ethos of a Tantric Tradition
Kalikrama and Abhinavagupta: The Epistemological Ethos of a Tantric Tradition
Art of Tantra, Tantricism & Tantric Tradition
Mundamalatantram (Mul Evam hindi anuvad sahit)
Tantric studies: fruits of a Franco-German project on Early Tantra
Early Tantric Vaiṣṇavism: Three Newly Discovered Works of the Pa?carātra. The Svāyambhuvapa?carātra, Devāmṛtapa?carātra and Aṣṭādaśavidhāna
Vaishnava Tantra Siddhant aur Sadhana(Philosophy of Pancharatrik Vaishnav tantra)(Text with Hindi tr.)
Tantric Studies. Fruits of a Franco-German project on Early Tantra
Abhinavaguptas Sri Tantraloka and Other Works: First Time English Trans. with Sanskrit Texts, 9 vols. forwarded by Karan Singh(Hardbound)
Sri Yantra and The Geophilosophy of India(Hardbound)
Tantrasamuccaya of Narayana: with the Commentaries Vimarsini of Sankara and Vivarana of Narayanasisya, 3 vols.
Kundalini Stilled or Stirred? Hardback
Mahanirvana Tantra: transl. into English by M N Dutta Paperback
Tantra the Science and Natya the Art the Two Faceted Reality (HB)
Principles of Tantra: The Tantra Tattva of Sriyukta Siva Candra Vidyarnava Bhattacarya Mahodaya, 2 vols.bound in one
Sri Matrkacakra Vivekah with Sarveshwari english commentary Mantra Sastra of Kasmira, revealing secrets of Mantra\'s origin and their meaning on the basis of Matrka\'s inscribed, Sri Yantra called Matrka Cakra
Sri Kali Tantram & Sri Rudra Candi with Sarveshwari english commentary (Text with english tr.)
Shaktitattva Evam Sakta-Sadhana(Bhartiya Shakti-Sadhana ka Purak Granth) Dash Mahavidya ityadhi vividh bharatiya saktiyo ka vivechanatamak granth
Sri Bhuta Damara Tantram With Sarveshwari English Commentary. (An Authoritative Tantra of Sri Krodha Bhairava Along with His Mantras, Mandal Worship of Bhutinis, Yakshinis, Snake-Girls etc.)
Shivsutra Siddhant aur Sadhana (Hindi)
Srichandamaharosanatantram (Sanskrit text with hindi translation)