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Islam and Religious Studies
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Discourses of Rumi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
A J Arberry
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (Third Reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2005)
William C Chittick
Rabi'a Basri: The Mystic and Fellow Saint in Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1963)
Margaret Smith
Islamic Sufism
Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah
The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-\'Arabi\'s Metaphysics of Imagination (Third reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2006)
William C Chittick
Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of IBN Arabi
Michel Chodkiewick Translated by Liadain Sherrard
Saivism in Kashmir (Second Edition, First Published in 2000)
N K Singh
The Gulistan of Sa'di: Sheikh Muslih-uddin Sa\'di Shirazi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1885)
Sir Edwin Arnold
Advent of Islam in Kashmir
Prof Fida Muhammad Khan Hassnain
Allama Iqbal's Javid Nama: The Pilgrimage of Eternity (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
English Translation by Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad
Poems from Iqbal: Renderings in English Verse with Comparative Urdu Text
Translated by V G Kiernan
Tantrapuspanjali: Tantric Traditions and Philosophy of Kashmir (Studies in Memory of Pandit H.N. Chakravarty)
Edited by Bettina Sharada Baumer and Hamsa Stainton
Sufism The Mysticism of Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1914 in London)
Reynold A Nicholson
Rajtarangni ot the Jonaraja
Jogesh Chander Dutt
Succession of Muslim Rishism in Kashmir
Master Chulam Ali
Allama Iqbal's Asrar I - Khudi: Secrets of the Self (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1920 by R & R Clark Ltd, Edinburgh)
Translated into English by Reynold A Nicholson
The Bustan of Saadi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1911)
Sa'di Shirazi A Hart Edwards
The Secret of Secrets
Hadrat Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani Interpreted by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Ha
Rumi Soul Healer: A Transcendental Story of Ecstatic Passion and Mystical Love
Gabriel Iqbal
Heart Story: A Metamorphic Odyssey into the Heart of Human Consciousness
Gabriel Iqbal
Pasyanti Trika Saivism of Kashmir Themes and Practices
Bettina Sharada Baumer Edited by Sadananda Das
The Persian Mystic Attar (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1931)
Margaret Smith
Allama Iqbal's New Garden of Mystery: Gulshan-i Raz-i Jadid & Bandgi Namah (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1964)
Rendered into English by Bashir Ahmad Dar with Notes and Expalnations
Kashmir ki Acharya Prampara aur Shaivdarshan (Hindi)
Dr Rita Tiwari