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Islam and Religious Studies

(Showing 25 - 48 products of 58 products)
Advent of Islam in Kashmir
Allama Iqbal's Javid Nama: The Pilgrimage of Eternity (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
Poems from Iqbal: Renderings in English Verse with Comparative Urdu Text
Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of IBN Arabi
Saivism in Kashmir (Second Edition, First Published in 2000)
Rabi'a Basri: The Mystic and Fellow Saint in Islam (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1963)
Islamic Sufism
The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn al-\'Arabi\'s Metaphysics of Imagination (Third reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2006)
Discourses of Rumi (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1961)
The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi (Third Reprint Edition, first published in 2000 & 2005)
Sufism its Saints and Shrines (Reprinted  first published in 1938)
The Word of Lalla: Also Known as Laleshwari, Lalla Yogeshwari & Lalishri between 1300-1400 AD (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1924)
Rysh Wa'er: The Valley of Saints (Sheikh kNoor-ud-din Ryshi (RA) )
Buddhist Heritage Kashmir
Drishtipaat Glance to Consciousness Pictorial Collection of Ishvar Ashram, Srinagar
Tales from the Masnavi (First Published in 1961)
The Masnavi: The Spiritual Couplets of Maulana Jalalu\'d-din Muhammad Rumi (Reprint edition, First published in 1898)
Journey Through Ten Thousand Veils: The Alchemy of Transformation on the Sufi Path
Sufism in Kashmir (Third Edition)
The Vision of Islam
The Sultan of the Saints: Mystical Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (Reprint Edition, First Published in 1947)
The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Known in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani
Ibn 'Arabi The Meccan Revelations  (Indian Edition, First Published in 1988, Paris)
Heart Intelligence Book I Powerful Self Consciousness