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New Arrivals

Earth Sciences

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 94 products)
Frontiers of Earth Science
Disaster Management : Issue and Challenge
Disaster Management
Living with Disasters: Communities and Development in the Indian Sundarbans
Women and Disasters in South Asia: Survival, Security and Development
Strategies to Combat Disaster: Focus Public Safety in an Indian State
The Himalayan Journal Volume 70, 2015
Disaster Management
Natural Calamities and Disaster Management
Hyderology and Geology (National Institute of Cleanliness Education and Research (NICER))
Disaster Mitigation and Management Strategies (COER School of Management, Roorkee)
Disaster and Emergency Management: Selected Issues and Options Available
Disaster Management Guidelines for Nuclear/Radiological Emergencies and Chemical Terrorism
Disaster Management Guidelines for Drought
Disaster Management Guidelines for Cyclone
Disaster Management Guidelines:   Earthquake, Landslide, Avalanches and Tsunami
Disaster Management Guidelines for Incident Response Information and Communication System
Disaster Management Guidelines for Biological Disasters, Psycho-Social Support and Mental Health Services
Disaster Management Guidelines for Chemical Industrial and Fire Disasters
Disaster Management Guidelines for Floods
Civil Defence Handbook (Hindi)
Cyclones in Orissa
Story of a Tornado in India
Disaster Management: Humanitarian Logistics in Relief Operations