Assistive Technology and Hearing Impairment
Dr Ramakrishna Pettala
  • ISBN 13 : 9789388854214
  • year : 2020
  • language : English
  • binding : Hardbound
This book “Assistive Technology and Hearing Impairment” has been developed based on Rehabilitation council of India (RCI) two year B.Ed. Spl.Ed (Hearing Impairment) curriculum framework for the benefits of teacher trainees pursuing B.Ed and M.Ed (HI) from different universities/Institutes in India. This book also be used as reference book for special educators, parents and related rehabilitation professionals. It is prepared to have an insight on assistive technology in connection with hearing impairment. This book outlines the essentials of assistive technology especially in relation to listening devices, speech, language and communication, and education of the hearing impaired in all aspects of life. First unit of the book discussed about the assistive technology in helping the individual in listening to lead better life as normal hearing population, second unit talks about the assistive technology helping in speech production and correction, the third unit concentrated on the role of assistive technology in communication of the hearing impaired and last fourth unit focused on the assistive technology for the educational purpose of the children and persons with hearing impairment. Contents:– Assistive Technology in Facilitating Listening; Assistive Technology in Facilitating Speech; Assistive Technology in Facilitating Language and Communication; Assistive Technology and its Impact on Education