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Anthropological Paradigm for Policy and Practice: Perspectives and Case Studies of Practicing Anthropology

Anthropological Paradigm for Policy and Practice: Perspectives and Case Studies of Practicing Anthropology

Author:Mutatkar R K
ISBN 13:9789388937528
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/General References

About the Book

This book offers a perspective about addressing the issues and concerns of the people of India through an anthropological lens. The contradiction and conflict about Anthropology as a knowledge system, and as an academic discipline in the university system in India, with demands made to analyse national issues, and offer implementable recommendations are discussed, giving empirical examples as experienced by the author, as 'Practicing Anthropology'. Constitution of India, representing the aspirations of the people has opened the flood gates of demands from Anthropology, to play a leading role in ensuring human development with human dignity. Addressing the issues of poverty and development, social and economic discrimination and deprivation, health and disease, food security, gender equality form the agenda of anthropology in collaboration with natural and social sciences, and with the humanities. The concept of 'Holism' has to incorporate the Emic-Etic, Macro-Micro perspectives to address the policies at national level for effective people-centric, result-oriented implementation at local level. Plurality, Diversity, Human Rights, Inter-sectoral co-ordination, 'Think Globally, Act Locally' are rooted in anthropological theory. The book attempts to discuss this post-colonial anthropological paradigm