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A Musicological Study of Haridasa Suladi-s from Thanjavur Maharaja Safroji Saraswati Mahal Library (TMSSML) Collections

A Musicological Study of Haridasa Suladi-s from Thanjavur Maharaja Safroji Saraswati Mahal Library (TMSSML) Collections

Author:Dr Arati Rao
ISBN 13:9789391045135
Subject:Performing Arts/Music

About the Book

Musical Notations of Suladi songs of Haridasa saints of the 15th - 17th century are scarce. Some of these are found in palm leaf manuscripts in the Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Saraswathi Mahal Library (TMSSML) copies of which exist in the microfilm archive of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. Southern Regional Centre (IGNCA, SRC), Bangaluru. This book is the outcome of a research project on these Suladi songs. Musical notations of ten Suladi songs present in microfilm copies of IGNCA, SRC, Bangaluru were taken up for this study. In the book for every song, the original manuscript notation in Telugu script along with the transcription of the notation in Roman letters has b deen given. This is followed by the edited version of the notation, along with a description of the methodology of the editing. The suladi songs have been studied from three perspectives: raga, tala and musical form. For each suladi, raga pherases from the notation have been compared to those of other manuscript song notations in the same raga and musicological descriptions of the raga. The general trends seen in tala in the ten song notations have b een studied with respect to the descriptionof suladi tala-s seen in musicological descriptions of the early 17th century. The general features of the suladi musical form as seen in theten notations have been examined in comparison with descriptions in musicological treatises (laksana grantha-s).