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Yoga and meditation

(Showing 49 - 72 products of 277 products)
Gita: A Synthetic Yoga
Grahasth Jeevan Me Adhyatam (Hindi)
Handbook of Yoga
Hatha Yoga (The Philosophy of Physical Well-Being)
Hatha Yoga: for body, mind and spirit
Hathayogapradipika of Svatmarama (With Exhaustive Introduction, Transliteration, Word by Word meaning, translation Special Notes, etc.) (Sanskrit & English)
Hathyog Pradipika upyukta Chitro se Susajit (Sanskrit and Hindi)
Hathyoga: Swaroop evam Sadhna (Hindi)
Healing the Future: The Journey Within (Revised Edition)
Health Hygiene and Yoga
How to Fight
How to use Yoga
Hypertension: Management through Yoga (Rs 95 + Rs 30 for Service Charges)
IMAGINE IF: Stories of Ordinary People with Extraordinary Grit
Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy Paperback
Innovation: Why, What and How
Integral Yoga and the Vedopanisadic Knowledge Tradition
Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action, Based on the Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda
Kriya-yoga The Science of Life-force
Kundalini Jagran aur Naad Tatva (Hindi)
Kundalini Jagranaur Naad-Tattva (Hindi)
Kundalini Yoga for All: Unlock the Power of Your Body and Brain
KundaliniL Stilled or Stirred? (Second Edition, first published in 2013) Hardbound